Monday 10 October 2011

Exercise 13 - Introduction to Lightroom - Pt 2

Creating a New Catalogue :
1.       Start Lightroom    (If it asks to backup then select ‘Skip Now’)
2.       Create a New Catalogue :-
i.        Select ‘File->New Catalog …’
ii.      Name the Catalogue ‘YourName-Ex-14’
iii.     Create it in a new folder on the desktop called ‘Lightroom Exercise’
3.       Import about 20 images into the catalogue :-
i.         Add some keywords to the images as you do this.

Keywords :
4.       Make sure the ‘Keywording’ and ‘Keyword List’ panels are visible.
5.       Select an image and add keywords for all the dominant colours in the image -
i.           Click where it says ‘Click here to add keywords’
ii.          Enter the new keywords (the colours) separated by commas.
iii.        Press the ‘Return’ key. They will be added to the keyword list above, and to the Keyword List panel below.
6.       Repeat for another image with different colours.
7.       Add a keyword to a group of images –
i.         Select a number of images that all contain one of the colours already entered.
ii.        Move the mouse over the colour in the Keyword List and click on the box at the left hand side to add the keyword to all the selected images.
8.       Create a keyword set
i.         Click on the + sign at the top left of the Keyword List panel,
ii.        Enter the keyword tag ‘Colour’
iii.      Untick ‘Put inside “xxx” and ‘Add to selected photos’
iv.      Select ‘Create’. It will be added to the keyword list and greyed out.
v.        Drag all the colour keywords into ‘Colours’

Selecting Images with Keywords :
9.       Move the mouse over the Keyword List panel and click on the arrow to the right of one of the keywords. All the images with that keyword will be selected.
10.    Click where it says ‘Filter Keywords’ and type a letter that is in at least one of your keywords. Type more letters to search for keywords containing that group of letters. This is useful when you want to find a keyword the list is very long.
11.    Select ‘View -> Show Filter Bar’ to turn on the filter bar.
What is the keyboard shortcut for this ? \              
12.    Click on ‘Text’ and type keywords into the entry field to select images with those keywords.
13.    Click on ‘Attribute’ and select combinations of ratings, Labels and Flags to select images meeting particular criteria.
14.    You can combine a keyword search with an attribute filter as well.
15.    Select ‘Metadata’ to select images based on their metadata. At the top of each column the ‘All’ option will clear that search criteria.
16.    Click on ‘None’ to clear the filter and select all the images.

Stacks :
17.    Select at least 4 images of the same subject. Eg pictures of the same building or person.
18.    Select ‘Photo -> Stacking -> Group into Stack’.
What is the keyboard shortcut for this ? Ctrl+G                    
19.    Find 3 ways to expand and collapse the stack – list them here –
i.       Click on the number on top left of master image                  
ii.     Little bar on the side of stacked images                                 
iii.    File>Photo>Stacking>Expand/collapse                                
20.    Expand the stack and rearrange the images in the stack to move a different image to the top of the stack.
21.    Collapse the stack. What do you notice ? The second image is faded out and not highlighted it also has 2 of 2 written on it       

Virtual Copies :
22.    Select an image and then select ‘Photo -> Create Virtual Copy’.
What is the keyboard shortcut for this ? Ctrl+’     
23.    Use the Quick Develop panel or the Develop module to make changes to the virtual copy.
24.    Make another virtual copy of the same image and apply a ‘Creative Preset’.
25.    Click on the number in the top left corner of the one of the copies to make it the master image.
26.    Click on the number in the top left corner of the master image to collapse the group.

Some useful keyboard shortcuts are :-
Tab        - Hide / Show side panels
 Tab   - Hide / Show all panels
F             - Full Screen modes

Sunday 9 October 2011

Exercise 9 – Introduction to Lightroom

Creating a New Catalogue :
1.       Start Lightroom    (If it asks to backup then select ‘Skip Now’)
2.       Create a New Catalogue :-
i.        Select ‘File->New Catalog …’
ii.      Name the Catalogue ‘YourName-Test’
iii.     Create it in a new folder on the desktop called ‘Lightroom Exercise’

Import Images :
3.       Plug your USB drive / Card reader into the USB port.
4.       If the ‘Import Photos’ dialogue box does not appear, then select ‘File->Import Photos from Device …’.
i.        Select ‘File Handling: Copy Photos to a new location and add to catalog’.
ii.      Copy the images into ‘Desktop / Lightroom Exercise / Pictures’ and organise by date.
iii.     Name the files using ‘Custom Name – Sequence’ and add your own custom name.
iv.     Turn on ‘Show Preview’ and uncheck any images you don’t want to import.
v.      Select ‘Import’ – an indicator will appear under the Lightroom banner (top left corner of window) to show the progress of the import. Click on the red ‘X’ if you want to stop the import.

Interface Options :
5.       Use the triangle buttons, the Tab and shift Tab keys to display and hide the panels. Use the F and L keys to change the display appearance.
6.       Click on the buttons at the bottom of the viewing area, to try different Library viewing modes – Grid, Loupe, Compare and Survey.
What are the shortcut keys for these ? Grid- G   Compare- C    Loupe-E     Survey-N                                                                                                                                       
7.       Set the viewing area to Grid mode.
8.       Use the triangle at the bottom right corner of the viewing area to set which controls to display along the bottom strip of the viewing panel.

Labelling, Rating and Flagging Images :
9.       Use the controls along the bottom strip to give star ratings, colour labels and to flag and reject some images.
10.    Move the mouse over the grid area and click directly on the images to flag some images and give star ratings.
Note : Make sure you have plenty of labelled and flagged images before proceeding to the next step.

Filtering and Selecting Images :
11.    Go to the Library Filter bar at the top of the viewing area. If it is not visible select ‘View->Show Filter Bar’. What is the shortcut key to toggle the Filter Bar ?      \        (Hint : Look in the View menu)
12.    Select the ‘Attribute’ filter button to display the attribute strip and use the attributes to control which images are displayed.
What three options are available for the Star Ratings attribute ?
Rating is less than or equal to, Rating is greater than or equal to, rating is equal to   
13.    Select the ‘Metadata’ filter button and use these options to further control the display of images.
14.    The button to the right will now say ‘Custom Filter’. Click on this and select ‘Filters Off’ from the menu. All images should be displayed again.

Quick Collections :
15.    In Grid view move the mouse over the images and click on the circle in the top right corner of some of the images. These will be added to the ‘Quick Collection’.
16.    To display only the images you have just selected click on ‘Quick Collection’ in the Catalog section of the left panel.
17.    Use filtering options (as above) to further refine the displayed images.
18.    Click on ‘All Photographs’ in the Catalog section of the left panel to view all the images.
19.    Click on ‘Quick Collection’ again.
20.    Press ‘ a’ to select all the images in the quick collection, then click on the grey circle in one of the images to clear the quick collection.

Collections :
21.    Use the filter options to display a group of images. (Eg you might select all the best images to develop and then use in a slideshow presentation).
22.    Select all the images by pressing ‘ a’.
23.    Click on the plus sign on the Collections panel and select ‘Create Selection …’ from the drop down menu. Type in a name (eg ‘Final Selection’) when prompted.
24.    Display all the photos, then drag some more images into your collection.

Develop and Present :
25.    Select the Develop module. What is the keyboard shortcut for this ?Ctrl+Alt+2           
26.    Make any necessary tonal and other changes to each image.
27.    Select the Slideshow module and use the panel on the right to customise your slideshow.